Inanna and An: The Rise of The Goddess

In this ancient Sumerian myth “Inanna and An”, Inanna, the powerful goddess of love and war, set her mind on capturing the great heavens, specifically the temple of E-ana (Eanna). With the help of her brother Utu, the sun god, she embarked on a journey fraught with challenges and divine interventions. Despite opposition and dangers, Inanna’s determination and divine support enabled her to secure Eanna from An, the sky god. This feat signified her ascendancy and power. As a result, An acknowledged her greatness and adjusted the cosmic order in response to her actions.

Jump To The Myth: Inanna and An: The Rise of the Goddess

Setting the Stage: Deities

An: The Sky God of Sumerian Mythology

In the ancient world of Sumerian mythology, few gods held as much power and reverence as An. Known as the sky god, An was the father of gods and the creator of the universe. His presence was felt in every aspect of the cosmos, from the highest heavens to the furthest reaches of the earth.

The name “An” itself means “heaven” in Sumerian. He was the embodiment of the sky and all that lay above. The stars, the moon, and the sun were considered his creations, each one a testament to his boundless power and creativity.

An was the supreme deity in the Sumerian pantheon. As the father of gods and men, his authority was unparalleled. His decisions shaped the fate of both divine beings and mortals.

As the ruler of the heavens, An held a position of immense authority. He was often called upon to resolve disputes among the gods and to maintain cosmic order. His judgments were final, his wisdom beyond question. The balance of the universe rested on his shoulders.

Worship of An was widespread in ancient Sumer. Temples dedicated to him were built in several major cities, including Uruk. These temples were places where priests and worshippers could connect with the divine sky, seeking An’s guidance and favor. Rituals performed in his honor were meant to ensure the continued harmony of the cosmos.

In this myth we learn how he lost his place of worship to his great granddaughter Inanna.

Inanna: The Goddess of Love, War, and Power

Known as the goddess of love, war, and fertility, Inanna‘s story is one of passion, power, and transformation. Her influence extended across the heavens and the earth, making her one of the most revered and complex figures in ancient Mesopotamian religion.

Inanna was a goddess of many roles. As the deity of love and beauty, she presided over matters of the heart, romance, and procreation. Her influence ensured the fertility of the land and the prosperity of its people.

Yet, Inanna was also a fierce warrior goddess. She was invoked in times of conflict, her favor sought for victory in battle. This duality made her a powerful and unpredictable force in the Sumerian pantheon.

Temples dedicated to Inanna, known as Eanna(House of Heaven), were centers of worship and cultural activity. The most famous of these was located in Uruk, one of the great cities of Sumer. Priests and priestesses performed elaborate rituals in her honor, celebrating her many aspects and seeking her blessings. Festivals, music, and dance were integral parts of her worship, reflecting her joyous and life-affirming nature.

Today’s myth tells us how she gained such a favor from the people and established her place within the pantheon.

Setting The Stage: Places

Eanna: The House of Heaven

Eanna, also known as the House of Heaven, stood as one of the most significant temples in ancient Sumerian mythology. It was not just a physical structure but a symbol of divine power, beauty, and cosmic order. Eanna was primarily associated with the goddess Inanna, serving as her main sanctuary and a central place of worship in the city of Uruk.

This temple complex was the epicenter of her worship, reflecting Inanna’s multifaceted nature and immense influence. Within its sacred walls, Inanna was honored through rituals, offerings, and celebrations that emphasized her roles as both a life-giver and a warrior.

The architecture of Eanna was grand and imposing, designed to reflect the divine status of Inanna. The temple complex included ziggurats, which were massive terraced structures that reached towards the heavens. These ziggurats symbolized the connection between earth and sky, a bridge between the mortal and the divine.

Watercolor painting of Eanna, a large ziggurat temple dedicated to the goddess Inanna, radiating divine energy and touching the heavens with a cosmic background featuring Sumerian symbols.
The majestic ziggurat temple of Eanna, dedicated to the goddess Inanna, reaching towards the heavens

Located in the city of Uruk, Eanna was not only a religious center but also a hub of cultural and political activity. Uruk itself was one of the largest and most influential cities in ancient Sumer. Eanna played a vital role in the city’s identity, serving as a testament to its wealth, power, and devotion to Inanna.

The capture of Eanna by Inanna from An symbolized a significant shift in divine power. This act was celebrated as a testament to Inanna’s strength and determination, marking her ascendancy in the divine hierarchy. Eanna, thus, became a symbol of her victorious and unparalleled status among the gods.

The Myth: Inanna and An

The Celestial Quest Begins

In the ancient city of Uruk, the sky held secrets and whispers of divine plans. Inanna, the revered goddess of love and war, stood beneath the vast expanse of the heavens. Her gaze was set on the sky, her mind filled with a singular purpose. Beside her, the youthful Utu, her twin brother and the god of the sun, shone with a light that cut through the vast expanse.

Their thoughts focused on Eanna, the sacred temple that connected heaven and earth. This place of great importance was under the domain of An, the mighty sky god. It was a sacred temple that descended from the very heavens. This temple was a place of great power and mystery.   Inanna knew that capturing it would mean seizing control of the heavens themselves.

Inanna’s Resolve: A Divine Ambition

Inanna’s heart burned with a desire to capture Eanna and bring it under her control. She, the lady of heaven, set her mind on a daring quest. Her eyes were fixed on Eanna she was determined to claim it.

Her ambition was immense, but so was her resolve.

In the quiet of the night, Inanna’s thoughts were clear. She would take Eanna and make it her own. The heavens would bow to her will. Her mind was set, and nothing could sway her from this path. She was ready to confront any obstacle, any deity that stood in her way.

With each passing moment, Inanna’s resolve grew stronger. The night sky, vast and mysterious, seemed to echo her determination. The stars themselves seemed to whisper of her impending triumph.

Inanna was ready. She would capture the great heavens. She would take Eanna and make it a testament to her power. The journey ahead was fraught with danger, but Inanna was not afraid. Her mind was sharp, her heart was strong, and her spirit was unbreakable.

The Divine Conversation: Inanna and Utu

Inanna turned to her brother, Utu. The youthful sun god, radiant and strong, stood ready to listen. Inanna’s eyes glowed with determination.

“Utu, my brother, I need to tell you something important,” she said. Her voice was calm but urgent. “Pay attention to my words.”

Utu, the hero of the sky, knew this was no ordinary conversation. He looked at Inanna, seeing the fire in her eyes. She was serious. She was determined. He nodded, signaling his readiness to listen.

“My twin, my brother,” Inanna continued, “what I am about to say matters greatly. It is about our future, about the heavens.”

Utu’s heart beat faster. He could feel the weight of her words before she even spoke them. Inanna’s resolve was clear, and he knew that this was the beginning of something monumental.

The Importance of the Mission

Inanna then shared her plan with Utu. She spoke of Eanna, the sacred temple that connected heaven and earth. Inanna spoke of her desire to capture it, to make it theirs. She explained that this mission was not just for her, but for the balance of the heavens.

“Eanna must be ours,” she said. “It is the key to our power and our destiny. The heavens and earth belong to us, and we must claim what is rightfully ours.”

Utu listened intently. He could see the passion in his sister’s eyes. He understood the importance of her mission. She was not just seeking power for herself; she was fighting for the cosmic order, for their place in the universe.

The night sky shimmered with countless stars, each one a witness to the divine conversation unfolding below. Inanna, the goddess of love and war, had spoken her mind. She revealed her plan to capture Eanna, the sacred temple that bridged heaven and earth. Her determination was clear, her ambition vast.

Utu, the youthful hero and sun god, listened with a heart full of respect and admiration. He saw the fire in his sister’s eyes, the unwavering resolve in her voice. This was a quest unlike any other. It was a mission that could reshape the cosmos.

The Sacred Oath

Moved by Inanna’s words, Utu knew he had to support her. He had to become part of this divine journey. He looked into her eyes and spoke with a voice full of conviction.

“My sister, I swear an oath by the life of heaven,” he began. His words carried the weight of the stars themselves. “I swear by the life of the rainbow of heaven, by the life of my throne, by my majesty.”

Each phrase echoed with the power of the heavens. Utu’s promise was not just a simple agreement. It was a sacred vow, binding him to Inanna’s cause. He continued, “I will follow what my sister says to me. I will follow what holy Inanna says to me.”

With these words, Utu sealed his commitment. He pledged to stand by Inanna’s side, to support her in every way. His oath was a testament to his love and respect for his sister, and his belief in her vision.

Inanna smiled, knowing she had her brother’s unwavering support. She felt a surge of gratitude and strength. With Utu’s support, her mission seemed even more possible.  

Preparation for the Journey: A Divine Quest Begins

Inanna, the radiant goddess of love and war, stood on the edge of a new adventure. She was ready to embark on a journey to capture Eanna, the sacred temple that bridged the heavens and the earth. The night was calm, but the air buzzed with anticipation.

Fragmented Clues and Omens

The ancient text at this point is broken and tells of fragmented clues. A great net, a flood, and a fisherman all hinted at the challenges ahead. These signs were warnings from the gods, foretelling the trials Inanna would face.

In the distant heavens, the stars seemed to whisper secrets. The path ahead was uncertain, shrouded in mystery. The reed thickets and tall reeds swayed ominously, as if bowing to the goddess’s resolve.

Dialogue with Adagbir: Warnings of Peril

As Inanna prepared on her journey, the wise Adagbir approached her. His face was serious, his eyes filled with concern. He knew the dangers that lay ahead, and he needed Inanna to understand them too.

Adagbir: The Wise Advisor

Adagbir, is a figure shrouded in mystery.  Known for his deep knowledge of the winds and waters, Adagbir was a seasoned advisor, trusted by gods and mortals alike. His presence brought a sense of calm and forethought, crucial for navigating the unpredictable realms of the divine.

Inanna saw Adagbir, a wise advisor who knew the ways of the winds and the waters. She spoke to him, “Youthful Utu has blessed our journey,” she began, “but the barge must withstand the south wind and the evil wind.”

Adagbir’s face was grave. He knew the dangers that lay ahead. “My lady,” he warned, “the journey will not be easy. The winds are treacherous, and the waters are filled with unseen perils.” He paused, choosing his words carefully. “Your divinity may protect you, but the journey by barge is fraught with peril.”

Watercolor painting of the Sumerian goddess Inanna holding her bow with planet Venus behind her, standing next to Adagbir in long robes adorned with Sumerian symbols, by a river with reeds.
The Sumerian goddess Inanna stands tall, beside the imposing Adagbir near a river with reeds.

He described the threats in detail. “The fisherman knows the south wind well,” he explained. “If he raises the south wind, that gentle breeze will turn fierce. And if he summons the evil wind, that malevolent force will rise against you.”

Adagbir’s voice grew more intense. “My lady, if you travel on the barge and these winds arise, barges and small boats will sink in the marshes. The winds will lash the water, creating chaos and danger.”

He painted a vivid picture of the perils ahead. “Whenever the fisherman approaches with his great net, as it emerges from the flood, the swelling sea lashes the water, making an evil roar.”

Inanna listened intently. She knew the risks but remained undeterred. Her eyes burned with determination. She was ready to face whatever challenges the gods placed in her path.

Inanna’s Determination: The Quest Continues

The warnings from Adagbir echoed in the air, but Inanna’s resolve remained unshaken. The goddess stood tall, her eyes reflecting the stars above. She was determined to continue her quest, no matter the perils ahead.

Inanna turned to the Adagbir her voice filled with unwavering resolve. “If you are to find Eanna,” she said, “and I am to gaze in admiration at that place, then we must navigate the narrow passage.”

Her words carried the weight of her determination. She spoke with a confidence that came from her divine nature, a certainty that nothing could deter her from her path.

Inanna’s heart burned with a desire to see Eanna, the sacred temple that connected heaven and earth. She envisioned its grandeur, its beauty, and the power it held. The thought of standing before Eanna filled her with a sense of purpose and wonder.

She knew the journey would be challenging. The narrow passage was treacherous, fraught with dangers that could easily derail her mission. But she was ready to face them all. Her determination was a beacon, guiding her through the uncertainties ahead.

Guidance through the Reeds: A Path Revealed

In the stillness of the night, Adagbir stood ready to guide Inanna through the treacherous path. The reed thickets and tall reeds loomed ahead, their shadows dancing in the moonlight. These natural barriers were a challenge, but Adagbir knew the way.

“Follow me through the reed thickets and tall reeds,” Adagbir instructed. His voice was calm and steady, a beacon in the darkness. “For you, I will lead the way to E-ana, the sacred place that descends from the heavens.”

Inanna nodded, her resolve unshaken. She trusted Adagbir, knowing his wisdom and guidance were crucial. Together, they moved forward, the reeds whispering secrets as they brushed against them.

The path was narrow and winding. The tall reeds seemed to form a maze, but Adagbir navigated it with ease. His knowledge of the land and seas was unparalleled, and his steps were sure and confident. Inanna followed closely; her eyes fixed on the path ahead.

As they ventured deeper, the air grew thick with anticipation. Every moment brought them closer to E-ana, the divine temple that held so much significance.

A Glimpse of Eanna

Finally, the reeds began to thin. Inanna’s heart raced as they emerged from the thicket. Before her stood Eanna, magnificent and ethereal, its presence radiating divine energy. The temple seemed to glow, as if lit from within by the very essence of the heavens.

Inanna gazed in admiration at Eanna. The sight filled her with awe and wonder. It was more beautiful than she had imagined, a testament to the divine power and majesty. This was the place she had sought, the heart of her quest.

However, the temple that was in her sight was not yet hers.  The protectors of the heavenly order stood ready to protect the temple from intruders.

Inanna’s Battle for the Heavens

Cosmic Divine Protectors

In the heart of the heavens, Šulazida, the vigilant herdsman of An, grasped the cosmic tethering rope with determination. His mission was to maintain the balance of the heavens, he saw that Inanna had other plans.

Šulazida, strong and resolute, held the rope tightly. He had called down protective deity forces from the sky, determined to keep Inanna under control. Protective deities swirled around him, their energies forming a barrier to Inanna’s advance. They were guardians of the celestial order, sworn to protect the heavens from any disruption.

The powerful deity Šul-a-zida, dressed in cosmic clothing, stands tall grasping a tethering rope ready to attack, with the constellation Orion and protective deities emerging behind him.
The powerful deity Šulazida, stands tall grasping a tethering rope and protective deities emerging behind him.

But Inanna, with her unyielding spirit, was not deterred. She saw Šulazida’s efforts and knew this was a crucial moment. She had to overcome these divine protectors to secure her objective. The power of her resolve radiated from her, a beacon of divine light against the encroaching darkness.

Inanna drank cleansing water from the sacred Ulaya river, a river used for purification. The water was pure, filled with the essence of life and strength. As she sipped the cleansing liquid, her spirit was fortified. She felt a surge of power and clarity, readying her for the challenge ahead.

The Battle

The protective deities, charged with maintaining the sanctity of the temple, were formidable opponents. Each protector embodied a different aspect of the divine order, their combined power creating a near-impenetrable barrier around Eanna.

The battle was intense. Inanna faced each protector with unwavering strength. Her movements were swift and precise, a dance of power and grace. The protectors, with their combined might, fought valiantly, but Inanna’s resolve was unbreakable. One by one she overcame the protectors.

With the protectors weakened, Inanna turned her focus to Šulazida. He held the cosmic tethering rope, a symbol of his control over the celestial order. Inanna knew that defeating Šulazida was crucial to capturing Eanna.

Šulazida, though strong and vigilant, could not withstand Inanna’s divine might. She overcame his defenses, grasping the cosmic rope. With a final, decisive effort, Inanna defeated Šulazida. The cosmic balance shifted, bringing her closer to victory.

The Scorpion

The battle was won, but the war was not over. A scorpion, a fearsome guardian, emerged from the shadows, ready to strike. Its venomous tail poised to deliver a deadly blow.

Watercolor painting of a large scorpion made up of stars and galaxies, with Sumerian symbols adorning its body, surrounded by a cosmic background.
A majestic scorpion stands against a cosmic backdrop.

With a swift and powerful motion, Inanna stamped on the scorpion. Using the cosmic rope she cut off its tail, rendering it powerless. The creature bellowed like a lion, its roar filled with anger and pain. But Inanna’s resolve was stronger. Its cries soon died down, silenced by her unyielding strength.

She threw the defeated scorpion aside, making the path secure. In that moment, Inanna demonstrated her unparalleled might and determination. She had faced the protectors of the heavens and emerged victorious. She had faced the scorpion of the sky and defeated it.

An’s Reaction: The Sky God’s Grief and Awe

In the vast expanse of the heavens, An, the mighty sky god, listened to the news of Inanna’s victory. The echoes of her triumph reached him, filling the celestial realms with a mix of emotions. An’s reaction was a blend of grief and awe, a testament to the profound impact of Inanna’s actions.

As the words of Inanna’s triumph were spoken, An slapped his thighs in disbelief. His voice, usually commanding and powerful, was now filled with sighs of grief. “What has my child done?” he exclaimed, his tone heavy with sorrow. “She has become greater than me! What has Inanna done? She has become greater than me!”

An’s grief was not just about the loss of control but the realization of Inanna’s ascendancy. He saw her strength, her determination, and her power. She had surpassed him, a fact that filled him with a complex mix of pride and sorrow.

Inanna’s actions had reshaped the balance of power in the cosmos, marking a new era.

Changing the Cosmic Order

An knew that the cosmic order had to reflect this new reality. “From now on,” he declared, “the normal length of daylight becomes shorter, and daylight converts to night-time.” This change was a profound acknowledgment of Inanna’s victory and her new place in the celestial hierarchy.

He continued, “From today, when the day’s watch is three units long, daylight is equal to night-time.” His voice, filled with the weight of cosmic authority, sealed this new balance. The heavens and the earth would now follow this altered rhythm, a lasting testament to Inanna’s triumph.

An’s Acknowledgment: Praising Inanna’s Triumph

An gazed at Inanna, unable to fully grasp the magnitude of her achievement. There was a touch of incredulity in his voice as he spoke. “My child,” he began, “you did not say you would capture Eanna. Yet, you did it! You captured Eanna!”

An’s voice, usually commanding, now held a note of reverence. “Eanna should be as firm as heaven,” he declared. “Its attractions should never be exhausted. Its name shall be ‘The Settlement of the Land’.” This declaration was a profound acknowledgment of Inanna’s success. E-ana, the sacred temple, would stand unrivaled and eternal.

An continued, his words shaping the future of E-ana. “It should have no rival,” he said. “Mankind, all of the people, should prostrate themselves at her feet.” His decree was clear. Eanna was now a central, untouchable place of worship and power. A testament to Inanna’s strength and determination.

The New Order

Under the sun of that day, An’s words became reality. Eanna stood firm, its status elevated by Inanna’s victory. The people, feeling the shift in the divine order, turned their reverence to Inanna and her newly secured temple.

The Goddess Declares Her Victory

In the heart of the celestial realms, a new power had risen. Inanna, the determined goddess of love and war, stood triumphant. She had captured Eanna, the sacred temple, from An. This victory was not just a personal achievement; it was a cosmic shift.

With a voice full of pride and power, Inanna declared her victory to the heavens and the earth. “I have captured Eanna from An!” she proclaimed. Her words echoed through the realms, a testament to her strength and determination. Eanna, once a symbol of An’s dominance, was now firmly in her grasp.

Inanna spoke of Eanna with reverence. It was now the house that is the place of the lady. This sacred temple had become a symbol of her power and divine right. She had secured it through sheer will and unmatched resolve.

The goddess, now in her triumphant position, stood tall. She had faced numerous challenges, battled fierce guardians, and emerged victorious. Inanna’s journey had been one of perseverance and strength, and now she reaped the rewards of her determination.

Praise from the Heavens

All around her, voices rose in praise. “Because you are unmatched among the Great Princes, maiden Inanna, praising you is magnificent!” Her triumph was celebrated by gods and mortals alike. Her name was spoken with admiration, her deeds remembered in awe.

Watercolor painting featuring a grand ziggurat temple, the eight-pointed star, the planet Venus, and multiple Sumerian symbols representing Inanna and An, painted in muted pastel colors.
A grand ziggurat temple, the eight-pointed star, the planet Venus, the symbols representing Inanna

A Living, Breathing Narrative

Inanna’s triumph over Eanna is a story that invites us to explore the power of determination and the impact of divine will. It calls us to witness the rise of a goddess who dared to challenge the cosmos and claim her rightful place.

As we delve into her tale, we are drawn into a narrative filled with mystery and intrigue. Inanna’s journey is not just a myth but a living, breathing story that resonates with timeless themes of struggle and victory. Her declaration of triumph reminds us of the power of resolve and the endless possibilities that await those who dare to reach for the stars.

Her story, rich with divine ambition and cosmic change, inspires us to look beyond the physical realms and explore the deeper mysteries of existence. Inanna’s victory is a beacon of inspiration, a reminder that with strength and determination, even the most formidable challenges can be overcome.


Faculty of Oriental Studies, Inana and An (The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, 2003)
Multiple Authors, Eanna (Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia, 27 February 2024)

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