The Slaying of The Dragon Kur: Ninurta’s Triumph Over Chaos

The epic story of Ninurta and Kur was lost through the ages and is now again revived to live once again.

In the ancient land of Sumer, where gods and heroes walked together, there was a hero like no other. His name was Ninurta, the mighty warrior god. Son of Enlil, the air god, Ninurta was known for his strength, courage, and unmatched skill in battle. Songs of his heroic deeds echoed through the temples and across the fields, telling tales of his bravery and power. He was a beacon of hope and protection for his people.

Where there were gods and heroes there had to be monsters. One such enemy of the gods and creation was a primeval god of chaos. An ancient serpent. A dragon that brought destruction and chaos in its way. Kur, a deity that shares the same name as the Sumerian underworld.

Sharur’s Address to Ninurta

One day, Sharur, Ninurta’s magical weapon, spoke. Sharur was not just a tool but a wise and loyal companion. Its voice was filled with urgency and respect as it addressed Ninurta. “Ninurta, greatest of warriors, a fearsome beast named Kur threatens our world. Only you can stop this monster.”

Sharur’s words were full of praise. “You are strong and brave, a true hero. Your deeds are legendary, and your heart is pure. The time has come to face Kur and save our land from its terror.”

Ninurta listened intently. He felt the weight of his duty but also the strength of Sharur’s faith in him. With each word, his resolve grew stronger. He knew that he could not ignore this call to battle. The fate of Sumer rested on his shoulders.

With Sharur glowing with a mystical light, Ninurta set out on his journey. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but he was ready. His heart burned with the desire to protect his people and restore peace to his land.

First Encounter Between Ninurta and Kur

Ninurta journeyed to the dark valley where Kur lurked. The beast was massive, its scales black as night and its eyes glowing with fiery rage. Ninurta charged, wielding Sharur with all his strength. The ground shook with their clash. Lightning flashed, and thunder roared.

But Kur was powerful, more than Ninurta had expected. The beast’s attacks were relentless, forcing Ninurta to retreat. He fled, seeking refuge and a moment to gather his strength. He felt a sting of defeat, but Sharur, ever loyal, spoke to him.

“Do not fear, Ninurta,” Sharur said, glowing with a warm light. “You are the greatest warrior. This battle is not over. Remember your strength and your purpose. The gods of Sumer depend on you.”

Ninurta felt his courage returning. He took a deep breath and stood tall. He knew he could not let Kur’s darkness spread. With renewed determination, he prepared for the final battle.

Final Battle of Ninurta and Kur

Ninurta returned to the valley, his heart burning with resolve. The storm raged around him, but he was undeterred. He charged at Kur, wielding Sharur with fury and precision. The battle was fierce, each strike echoing through the land.

Ninurta used every weapon at his disposal, attacking with all his might. The air crackled with energy as he fought, his movements a blur of power and skill. Kur roared in defiance, but Ninurta’s will was unbreakable.

With a final, mighty blow, Ninurta struck Kur down. The beast fell, its dark power shattered. Kur was defeated, completely destroyed.

Aftermath of Kur’s Destruction

With Kur defeated, a new calamity struck. The primeval waters that Kur had held back flooded the land. Rivers overflowed, and fields were submerged. The once fertile land was now a vast, watery expanse.

Famine spread quickly. Crops withered and died, unable to withstand the flood. The small rivers were choked with mud, and the fields lay barren. No fresh water reached the gardens, and the gods of the land faced a bleak future. Hunger and despair gripped the land.

Ninurta’s Restoration Efforts

Ninurta saw the suffering and knew he had to act. He began to gather stones, each one large and heavy. With great effort, he constructed a massive barrier over Kur’s remains. This wall held back the raging waters, preventing further flooding.

But Ninurta did not stop there. He devised a plan to manage the waters. He redirected the floodwaters into the Tigris River, ensuring that the fields could once again receive the life-giving flow. Slowly, the water receded from the fields.

Watercolor painting of Ninurta standing tall and strong, holding his magical mace Sharur, while piling up large stones to create a wall over the defeated Kur. The image shows waters being held back behind the wall and lush green lands emerging behind Ninurta.
Ninurta standing tall and strong, piling up large stones to create a mighty wall over the defeated Kur, holding his magical weapon Sharur.

As the waters were controlled, the land began to heal. Fields that had been barren started to sprout green shoots. Vineyards and palm groves flourished once more. Grain filled the fields, and the harvest was abundant. Granaries overflowed with the bounty of the land.

Everything on earth rejoiced. Their hero, Ninurta, had not only defeated Kur but also restored their way of life. Balance and prosperity returned to the land. The fields were alive with crops, and the rivers ran clear and clean.  

Maternal Praise and Naming of Ninhursag

Ninmah, the mother of Ninurta, heard of her son’s great deeds. Her heart swelled with pride and love. She could not contain her joy and prayed to the god. “My son, Ninurta, you are the light of my life. Your courage and strength have saved our land. I am proud beyond words.”

Ninurta felt his mother’s love from afar. He decided to honor her in a special way. He stood on a hill and declared, “This hill shall be called Hursag. It will be a place of blessing and abundance. My mother, Ninmah, will be its queen. From now on she will be called Ninhursag”

Ninurta raised his hands and blessed Hursag. “May this hill produce herbs, trees, and fruits. May it be rich with gold, silver, and precious stones. Let it be home to cattle, sheep, and all creatures. Hursag will be a place of life and prosperity.”

Watercolor painting of Ninurta standing tall and strong, holding his magical mace Sharur, while piling up large stones to create a wall over the defeated Kur. The image shows waters being held back behind the wall and lush green lands emerging behind Ninurta.
Ninurta standing tall and strong, piling up large stones to create a mighty wall over the defeated Kur, holding his magical weapon Sharur.

Final Blessings and Curses

Ninurta then turned to the stones he had used in battle. He blessed the stones that had aided him. “You, who stood with me, will bring fortune and protection.”

But he also cursed the stones that had hindered him. “You, who stood against me, will bring misfortune and strife.”

With these words, Ninurta ensured that the land would remember his triumph and the forces that shaped it.

The tale of Ninurta ended with a hymn. The people sang of his bravery and wisdom. They celebrated his heroic deeds and the peace he brought to their land. Ninurta’s legacy lived on, a beacon of hope and strength.


  • Samuel Noah Kramer, Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual And Literary Achievement in the Third Millenium B.C. (General Press, 2021) L2602
  • Multiple Authors, Sharur (mythological weapon) (Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia, 22 November 2023)
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