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The Exploits of Ninurta: Ninurta’s Triumph Over Asag

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The myth of Ninurta and Asag is set in the ancient world of Sumer, where gods walked the earth and the skies held secrets.  We are introduced to Ninurta, a god and a hero unlike any other. His name alone resonated with power and glory.

Ninurta was the son of Enlil, the great lord of the wind, and Ninmah, the nurturing mother of mountains. Together, they gave birth to a being of extraordinary might and courage.

Ninurta’s strength was legendary. Tales of his heroic deeds spread across the land, filling the hearts of mortals and gods alike with awe. He was a warrior who faced the fiercest of enemies and emerged victorious every time. His valor was unmatched, and his presence on the battlefield was a sight to behold.  He was beloved by the gods.  Our story begins with a feast being given in an honor of Ninurta, where gods celebrated him for his strength and valor.  

The Feast in Honor of Ninurta

The gods gathered in celebration, their laughter echoing through the halls of E-kur, the sacred mountain. At the head of the feast, seated on a magnificent throne, was Ninurta, the mighty son of Enlil. His presence commanded respect, and his strength was the subject of many songs and stories.

Golden goblets brimmed with divine nectar, and tables overflowed with celestial delicacies. The air was thick with the aroma of roasted meats and sweet fruits. The gods reveled in the joy of the feast, their spirits high and their hearts full. They toasted Ninurta, the hero whose valor had saved the lands from chaos.

Among the revelers, a figure stepped forward. It was Gatumdug (aka Bau), the gentle goddess of healing and Ninurta’s wife. Draped in robes that shimmered like the dawn, she approached Ninurta with grace. In her hands, she held scrolls of petitions from the people below. Each parchment was a plea for justice, a request for aid, a cry for mercy.

“Noble Ninurta,” Gatumdug began, her voice soft yet clear. “The people seek your wisdom. They ask for your judgments, for your guidance in these troubled times.”

Ninurta nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of sternness and compassion. He took the scrolls from Gatumdug, unrolling each one with care. The feast grew quiet as the gods watched their hero, their savior, prepare to dispense justice.

Petitions, Judgements and Rulings

One by one, Ninurta read the petitions. His voice, deep and resonant, filled the hall. He spoke of fairness, of right and wrong, of the balance that must be maintained in the world. He weighed each case with the wisdom of the ancients, his decisions firm and just.

A farmer pleaded for rain to save his dying crops. Ninurta decreed that the skies would open and the fields would be nourished. A mother sought protection for her children from a band of marauding thieves. Ninurta commanded the winds to guard her home, ensuring safety and peace.

As each judgment was pronounced, a sense of order and harmony spread through the feast. The gods nodded in approval, their faith in Ninurta reaffirmed. Gatumdug, too, smiled with satisfaction, knowing that her pleas had reached a wise and benevolent ear.

The feast continued, but now with a deeper sense of purpose. The gods toasted not only to the heroism of Ninurta but also to his wisdom and justice. They celebrated a world where, under his watchful eye, peace and order would reign.

In the glow of the feast, Ninurta’s figure seemed to shine brighter. He was not just a warrior but a ruler, a judge, and a protector. His judgments brought solace to the hearts of the gods and the people alike.

As the night wore on, the gods sang songs of praise, their voices rising to the stars. And in the midst of it all, Ninurta sat with a quiet strength, a beacon of hope and justice in a world that needed it most.

The Sharur

In the heart of the divine hall, there rested a mighty weapon. This was no ordinary tool of war. It was Sharur, Ninurta’s legendary battle-mace. Forged by the gods, Sharur gleamed with an otherworldly light. Its surface was etched with ancient symbols, telling tales of countless victories. It was not just a weapon but a companion, wise and powerful.

Always by Ninurta’s side, Sharur stirred as it suddenly sensed a danger of unprecedented proportions looming over the world.  Sharur began to glow brighter. It spoke with a voice that rumbled like distant thunder, echoing through the halls.

The Sharur’s Warning

“O mighty Ninurta,” it called, “hear my words. A great peril rises from the mountains. The Asag, a creature of pure malice, has awakened. Born without a father, never nursed by a mother, it is a monster unlike any other. Its very presence brings chaos. The earth trembles, and the skies darken at its command.”

Sharur’s voice grew urgent. “This beast has no shame and knows no mercy. It commands an army of stone warriors crafted from the very bones of the earth. They march under its banner, spreading fear and destruction. Even the gods tremble before its might. The Asag now sits on a throne, mocking the divine order, ruling with an iron fist.”

Ninurta listened intently, his eyes narrowing with resolve. Sharur continued, “The people below cry out in terror. They plead for your aid, for only you possess the strength to face this evil. They look to you, the son of Enlil, their protector and hero. If you do not act, the world will fall under the Asag’s dark shadow.”

The warning was clear. The Asag’s rise threatened the very fabric of creation. Sharur, ever loyal, stood ready to aid Ninurta in this epic battle. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and the time for action was now.

Ninurta gripped Sharur tightly. His heart burned with determination. He would not let this evil prevail. With Sharur by his side, he prepared to face the Asag and bring light back to the world. The battle of legends was about to begin, and the hero was ready to answer the call.

The Fearsome Asag

Watercolor painting of Asag, a fearsome creature with a round, stony body, three legs, and three arms, leaving destruction in its wake with an army of stone warriors in the background. Painted in muted pastel colors of deep indigo, gold, earthy green, and brown.
Asag, the formidable creature born of chaos and darkness, unleashes destruction with an army of stone warriors in tow.

The Asag was a creature born of chaos and darkness. It had no father and no mother. It sprang from the earth, fully formed and filled with rage. It’s body was rounded and it had three legs and three arms.  The body was made of impenetrable stones.  

The Asag was a fearsome warrior. Its eyes burned with malice, and its breath was like a poisonous fog. Wherever it went, terror followed. The land itself seemed to shrink away from its touch. It was as if the very ground knew of the horrors that this beast would bring.

But the Asag did not stand alone. It commanded an army like no other. Stones from the heart of the mountains rose at its command. These were no ordinary rocks; they were warriors, infused with the Asag’s dark power. They moved with a deadly purpose, their hard bodies unyielding in battle.

Under the Asag’s command, these stone soldiers marched across the land. Cities fell, and the cries of the people echoed in the valleys. Trees withered in its presence, and rivers ran dry. The gods themselves trembled at the mention of the Asag’s name.

This beast, born of darkness, sought to overthrow the divine order. It sought to cast the world into an endless night of fear and destruction.

Ninurta’s Decision to Fight

The air was tense. The gods whispered among themselves, eyes wide with fear. The Sharur’s warning had left a heavy silence in the hall. But not for long.

Ninurta stood. His powerful frame radiated strength and determination. With a voice that could command mountains, he let out a mighty cry. The heavens trembled. The Earth itself seemed to shudder at his call. The gods fell silent, their fear giving way to awe.

Ninurta’s cry was more than a sound. It was a declaration. A promise that he would face the Asag. His roar echoed across the land, filling every corner with a sense of impending justice. The people below felt a surge of hope, knowing their hero was ready to defend them.

With purpose, Ninurta began his preparations. He called upon the winds. Not gentle breezes, but fierce, destructive gales that could uproot trees and tear through stone. The skies darkened as he summoned storms, their thunderous roars matching his own. Lightning flashed, illuminating his determined face.

He gathered his weapons. The Sharur, glowing with anticipation, hummed with power. His lance, sharp and unyielding, was ready for battle. Each weapon was an extension of his will, forged for the sole purpose of defeating evil.

As Ninurta readied himself, the world around him transformed. The winds howled, and the storms raged. Nature itself seemed to bow to his command. He was a force of nature, unstoppable and fierce.

With everything in place, Ninurta took a final, steadying breath. He was ready. Ready to face the Asag, to challenge the darkness that threatened his world. The battle would be fierce, but Ninurta’s resolve was unbreakable. He would fight. He would protect. And he would emerge victorious.

Ninurta’s Journey to Battle

Watercolor illustration of Ninurta, the mighty warrior god, climbing a mountain with whirlwinds behind him. He is strong and powerful, holding a mace and a lance.
Ninurta, the mighty warrior god, ascends the mountain with whirlwinds swirling behind him, displaying his strength and determination with a mace and lance in hand.

With his mind set and his weapons ready, Ninurta began his journey. The path to the mountains was long and treacherous, but the hero moved with purpose. Each step he took sent tremors through the ground, a sign of his immense power.

As Ninurta traveled, the sky grew dark. Clouds gathered, heavy and foreboding. The winds howled around him, carrying whispers of his impending clash with the Asag. Nature itself seemed to recoil from his presence, sensing the fierce battle to come.

Villages lay in his path, their inhabitants feeling the force of his approach. Houses shook, and doors rattled. People cowered inside, fearful of the mighty storm that followed him. Animals fled, sensing the danger in the air. Birds took to the skies, their wings beating frantically against the gathering winds.

Rivers swelled and churned as Ninurta neared. The waters, usually calm and serene, became turbulent and wild. Trees bent and cracked under the pressure of the powerful gales that accompanied him. The landscape changed, marked by the passage of the hero.

Despite the fear and destruction, there was a sense of anticipation. The people knew that Ninurta, their protector, was on a mission to save them. His journey, though terrifying, was a beacon of hope. They whispered prayers, hoping for his victory against the monstrous Asag.

Ninurta’s Perseverance Through Challenges

Ninurta pressed on, undeterred by the chaos around him. His eyes were fixed on the distant mountains, where the Asag awaited. He could feel the creature’s dark energy, a beacon of malice that called to him. With every step, he drew closer to his destiny.

As he climbed the rugged slopes, the air grew colder and the winds more fierce. The mountains loomed above, their peaks hidden by swirling clouds. But Ninurta was not afraid. He was the storm, the unstoppable force that would bring light to the darkest places.

Finally, he reached the summit. The land was eerily silent, the calm before the storm. Ninurta stood tall, his silhouette framed against the dark sky. The battle was about to begin, and the world held its breath.

The First Confrontation

Ninurta’s ascent to the mountains marked the beginning of a fierce conflict. His eyes, sharp as a hawk’s, scanned the rugged terrain. The air was thick with tension. The enemy lay ahead, but first, he would face it’s army of warriors.

These warriors were not ordinary beings. They were creatures of stone, molded by the Asag’s dark magic. They moved with an unnatural grace, their eyes glowing with malevolence. Ninurta, undaunted, charged at them with a roar that echoed through the mountains.

With swift strikes, Ninurta’s mighty lance pierced their stony forms. One by one, they fell, shattered into pieces. The ground shook as each warrior met its end. Their cries of defeat mingled with the howling wind.

Ninurta’s fury did not end with the stone warriors. He descended upon the rebel cities with relentless force. Buildings crumbled beneath his blows, and the earth itself seemed to cry out in pain. Flames rose high, lighting the dark sky. The once thriving cities were reduced to ruins, their streets filled with dust and debris.

Sharur Advises Caution

Rejoicing in battle, Ninurta turned to the Sharur and smiled. The Sharur flew off on its own, toppling mountains and capturing prisoners for Ninurta. It soared high above the Earth, gathering news about the Asag and its armies. Those who saw it flying shared their knowledge, which the Sharur brought back to its master.

When it returned, the Sharur spoke, “Mighty Ninurta, whose strength none can resist, you have conquered the rebellious lands and slain many of Asag’s warriors. But do not venture into the mountains to face the Asag yet! Though you are powerful and unmatched, the time is not right. You will not be victorious if you go now. Wait, and the right moment will come.”

But Ninurta, fueled by righteous anger, ignored the Sharur’s counsel. His heart burned with a desire to end the Asag’s reign of terror. He believed his strength was enough to conquer any foe. With each step, he moved closer to the final confrontation, his resolve unshaken.

The devastation left in his wake was a testament to his power. Yet, as the smoke and dust settled, the true challenge still lay ahead. The Asag awaited, hidden in the shadows of the mountains. The ultimate battle was near, and Ninurta’s journey was far from over.

Awakening Of Asag’s Fury

Deep in the heart of the mountains, the Asag stirred. It sensed Ninurta’s approach and felt the fall of its messengers. Rage boiled within it, a dark storm ready to unleash. The Asag, a creature of pure malice, prepared for war.

With a mighty roar, the Asag summoned its strength. The ground trembled as it moved, a living force of destruction. Its eyes glowed with a fierce light, and its breath was like a poisonous fog. The mountains echoed with its cries, a call to arms that shook the heavens.

The Asag’s army of stone warriors rallied to its side. Each one a living monument to its power, they stood ready to fight. Together, they formed an unstoppable force, a tide of terror sweeping across the land.

The Asag’s Counterattack

The attack began with a ferocity that defied imagination. The Asag led its army down the mountains, crashing through forests and fields. Trees splintered and fell, rivers boiled and dried up. The very earth seemed to scream in agony as the Asag advanced.

Asag reached up to the sky, pulling it down and fashioning it into a massive club. It slithered along the ground like a giant serpent, ravenous like a mad dog. With a deafening roar, it attacked Ninurta, its rage echoing to the ends of the Earth. No one could withstand the beast’s fury.

Rivers dried up, and trees crashed to the ground. Reeds by the riverside burst into flames. The Asag’s massive body carved deep furrows into the earth, leaving the land scarred and broken.

The Despair of Anunnaki Gods

The mighty Anunnaki gods watched from their celestial thrones, their hearts gripped with fear. Even the mighty Enlil, Ninurta’s father, felt a pang of dread. The Asag’s power was immense, challenging the very order of the heavens. It was as if the world itself was unraveling before their eyes.

Enlil cried out, “Who will protect us now that Ninurta has gone to war? Who will keep us safe while our great hero is away?”

[The next section is fragmentary, but it appears that the Sharur went to speak with Enlil about the Asag. Enlil encouraged Ninurta to battle fiercely, and the Sharur returned to Ninurta with the message.]

The Sharur returned to its master and said, “O my master, Enlil has spoken, and this is what he says: ‘Go forth, O mighty Flood! Confront the Asag. Grip him by the shoulder, impale him with your spear. Take him captive and drag him here to the E-kur. Do this, and you will be praised by all the peoples.’

“Go forth, O my master!” continued the Sharur. “Assail the Asag, for he has built himself a rampart and a fortress that cannot be breached. His lust for destruction never abates.”

 Ninurta’s Renewed Assault

Ninurta stood tall, his heart heavy with determination. Encouraged by Enlil’s words, delivered through the faithful Sharur, he prepared for another assault. The gods watched in silent anticipation, their hopes pinned on this mighty hero.

With a roar, Ninurta charged forward. His lance gleamed in the dim light, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. The Sharur hummed with power, ready to strike. Each step Ninurta took echoed with the promise of justice.

As he clashed with the Asag’s stone warriors, his weapons danced with devastating effect. The lance pierced through the enemy ranks, shattering stone bodies into dust. The Sharur swung with unmatched force, toppling the monstrous foes with ease.

Ninurta moved like a whirlwind. His strikes were swift and precise, leaving no room for retaliation. The ground trembled under the force of his blows, and the air buzzed with the energy of battle. The Asag’s minions, once formidable, now crumbled before him.

Encouraged by Enlil’s faith in him, Ninurta fought with renewed vigor. He felt the strength of his father flowing through him, guiding his hand. The enemy’s cries of defeat filled the air, a symphony of victory for the determined hero.

The battlefield became a testament to Ninurta’s might. Fallen enemies lay scattered, and the land, once torn by conflict, began to feel the promise of peace. But Ninurta knew the battle was not yet over. The Asag still awaited him, lurking in the shadows.

With unwavering resolve, Ninurta pressed on. His heart burned with the fire of a thousand suns. The ultimate showdown was near, and he was ready. The world held its breath as Ninurta, the hero of the gods, marched toward his destiny.

Victory Over the Asag

Watercolor painting of Ninurta, the Sumerian warrior god dressed in traditional Sumerian attire, defeating Asag, a creature with a rounded, stony body, three legs, and three arms. Ninurta strikes Asag with a lance and mace amidst chaos and Sumerian symbols. The scene is painted in muted pastel colors of deep indigo, gold, earthy green, and brown.
In a dramatic clash, the mighty warrior god Ninurta defeats Asag, a creature of chaos and darkness.

Ninurta stood at the peak of the mountain, his eyes locked on the dark figure of the Asag. The beast roared, a sound that echoed through the valleys, but Ninurta was not afraid. He stepped forward, his weapons gleaming, ready for the final confrontation.

The battle began with a clash of titans. The Asag, furious and wild, lunged at Ninurta with a force that shook the earth. Ninurta met its attack head-on. His lance struck true, piercing the Asag’s rocky hide. The beast howled in pain, but Ninurta did not relent.

With each strike, Ninurta shattered the Asag’s defenses. The Sharur, his loyal mace, flew through the air, smashing the stone warriors that tried to protect their master. The ground trembled as the Asag’s minions crumbled to dust, their power broken by Ninurta’s might.

The Asag, sensing its defeat, tried to retreat, but Ninurta was relentless. He pursued the beast, his movements swift and precise. With a final, mighty blow, Ninurta struck the Asag down. The creature fell, its form scattering into fragments, its reign of terror ended.

Breathing heavily, Ninurta stood over the fallen beast. The air was still, the silence of victory settling around him. He looked at his blood-stained hands and weapons, then turned toward a nearby river. There, he cleansed himself, washing away the grime of battle.

As the water flowed over him, Ninurta felt a sense of peace. The weight of his duty lifted, replaced by the lightness of triumph. He stood tall and began to sing a victory chant. His voice carried through the mountains, a melody of hope and renewal.

Aftermath and Consequences

The dust settled, and the mountains grew quiet. Ninurta stood victorious over the fallen Asag. His mighty deeds had restored balance to the world. The gods, watching from their celestial thrones, erupted in praise. They sang songs of Ninurta’s bravery and strength, their voices echoing through the heavens.

Enlil, Ninurta’s father, beamed with pride. “You have done well, my son,” he declared. “Your courage has saved us all. The world is safe because of you.” The other gods nodded in agreement, their hearts filled with gratitude.

Ninurta raised his hand, calling for silence. He looked down at the shattered remains of the Asag. “This creature shall trouble us no more,” he proclaimed. “From this day forward, it will be known by a new name and serve a new purpose.”

With a voice that carried the weight of destiny, Ninurta decreed, “No longer shall it be called Asag. Its name shall be Stone. Its body, once a source of chaos, will now be the foundation of our world. And its entrails shall form the Underworld, a place for the restless spirits.”

The gods listened intently, nodding in approval. Ninurta’s decree transformed the Asag from a symbol of fear into a pillar of the earth. It would now support the world, providing stability and balance.

Restoring the Land

After the fierce battle, the land was left in ruins. The once fertile fields were dry and cracked. Rivers had stopped flowing, and a terrible drought gripped the earth. The people, who had just celebrated Ninurta’s victory, now faced famine. Their crops withered, and hunger spread across the land.

Ninurta, seeing the suffering of his people, knew he had to act. He could not let his victory be overshadowed by such hardship. Determined to restore life to the barren land, he devised a plan. With the strength of a god and the wisdom of a hero, he set to work.

Ninurta journeyed to the mountains, where the rivers had once begun. He gathered stones and earth, building a great dam. It was a mighty structure, designed to hold back the waters and release them steadily. The dam would ensure that the rivers flowed again, bringing life back to the dry fields.

Day and night, Ninurta toiled. His hands, though mighty, worked with care and precision. As the dam rose higher, hope began to flicker in the hearts of the people. They watched as their hero, who had defeated the Asag, now labored to save them from drought.

Restoration of Water Flow and Fertility

Watercolor painting of Ninurta standing beside a newly built dam, with water flowing into lush, green fields. Farmers work happily in the vibrant landscape filled with healthy crops. Painted in muted pastel colors of deep indigo, gold, earthy green, and brown.
Ninurta stands proudly by a newly built dam, watching as water flows into lush, green fields where farmers work joyfully.

When the dam was complete, Ninurta stood atop it and called forth the waters. With a great roar, the rivers surged back to life. Water flowed down the mountains, filling the dry riverbeds. The parched earth drank deeply, and the fields began to revive.

Crops sprouted, green and healthy. Trees, once bare, blossomed with new leaves. The air filled with the scent of fresh water and growing plants. The land, once cursed by drought, now flourished under Ninurta’s care.

The people rejoiced, their faith in Ninurta stronger than ever. They celebrated his ingenuity and his unwavering dedication to their well-being. The drought and famine became distant memories, replaced by the abundance of a restored land.

Ninmah’s Lament

Amidst the restored land, the goddess Ninmah wandered. Her heart was heavy with sorrow. The mountains, once her proud domain, lay devastated. The fierce battle had left them scarred and broken. Ninmah’s tears flowed as she walked among the ruins, feeling the pain of the earth itself.

“Alas, my mountains,” she lamented. “Once you stood tall and strong, filled with life. Now you are but shadows of your former glory. How can I bear to see you like this?”

Her voice, filled with grief, echoed through the valleys. The trees, now bent and broken, seemed to weep with her. The rivers, though flowing again, whispered their sorrow for the lost beauty of the peaks. The entire land mourned with the goddess.

Ninmah Becomes Ninhursag

Ninurta, hearing her cries, approached her with a heavy heart. He had brought victory and restored the fields, but he had not realized the depth of Ninmah’s pain. Seeing her sorrow, he knew he had to bring her comfort.

“Ninmah,” he said gently, “your grief touches my soul. The mountains have suffered, but they are not lost. Their spirit lives on, and together, we can heal them.”

Ninurta reached out and touched her hand. “From this day forward, you shall be known as Ninhursag, the Lady of the Mountain. These peaks will rise again under your care. They will be strong and vibrant, just as you are.”

Ninmah, now Ninhursag, looked into Ninurta’s eyes. She saw his sincerity and felt a spark of hope. “You would do this for me?” she asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

“Yes,” Ninurta replied. “These mountains are your domain. I bless them with the strength to grow and thrive once more. Together, we will restore their glory.”

With Ninurta’s blessing, the mountains began to heal. Trees sprouted anew, reaching towards the sky. Rivers carved fresh paths through the valleys, bringing life to every corner. Flowers bloomed, and the air filled with the sweet scent of renewal.

Life returned in abundance. The peaks stood tall once more, a testament to the enduring power of hope and healing. Ninhursag, the Lady of the Mountain, watched over them with pride, her heart filled with the joy of renewal.

Assigning Fates to Stones

After the great battle and the healing of the land, Ninurta turned his attention to the stones. These were no ordinary rocks. They had taken sides in the epic conflict. Some had aided the Asag, others had stood by Ninurta. Each would receive its due fate.

Ninurta stood tall on the mountain peak, surrounded by the stones. His gaze was firm, his voice resonant. “You who fought in the battle, hear my words. Your actions have not gone unnoticed. Today, I assign your fates.”

Rewards and Punishments

First, he addressed the emery stone. “You, who rose against me, will be humbled. You shall be shattered and used to polish the finest jewels. Your strength will serve beauty.”

Next, he turned to the flint stone. “For your defiance, you will be broken and scattered. You will light fires for the people, a spark of warmth in the night.”

The alabaster stone, loyal and true, received praise. “You stood by me in the battle. You will adorn temples, shining with purity. Your beauty will be revered.”

To the diorite stone, Ninurta said, “You remained steadfast. You shall be carved into statues of gods. Your form will inspire awe.”

The hematite stone, reflecting light, was honored. “Your loyalty was unwavering. You will be a judge’s stone, symbolizing fairness and clarity.”

Ninurta then faced the na stone. “For your betrayal, you will be ground to dust. You shall have no place in the works of men.”

The kagena stone, with its gleaming surface, was given a special role. “Your surface reflects my light. You will be crafted into sacred objects, cherished by craftsmen.”

Finally, Ninurta turned to the stones that had fought bravely by his side. “You, who supported me, will be rewarded. You shall be treasured, your forms respected. And you will serve in the highest places, symbols of loyalty and courage.”

The stones that had opposed Ninurta met their punishment. They were to be broken, scattered, or ground to dust. Their rebellion would not be forgotten.

With each decree, the land resonated with Ninurta’s justice. The mountains whispered tales of his wisdom, and the rivers carried his words to distant lands.  

Return and Celebration

With the battle won and the land restored, Ninurta began his journey home. The path back was filled with signs of renewal. Fields were green, rivers flowed freely, and the air was filled with the songs of birds. The world was healing, thanks to Ninurta’s bravery and strength.

As Ninurta approached the cities, people gathered along the roads to greet him. They cheered and sang, their faces alight with gratitude. Children ran ahead, their laughter ringing through the air. Men and women bowed in respect, offering gifts of food and flowers. The hero’s return was a cause for great celebration.

In the heavens, the gods watched with pride. They had seen Ninurta’s courage and wisdom, and now they rejoiced in his victory. The divine halls echoed with their praise, a symphony of celestial voices honoring their champion.

When Ninurta reached the sacred mountain of E-kur, he was greeted by Enlil, his father. Enlil’s eyes shone with pride as he embraced his son. “You have done well, my son,” he said. “Your courage and strength have saved us all.”

Enlil raised his hands, bestowing a blessing upon Ninurta. “I grant you eternal life,” he declared. “May you live forever as a protector of the realms.”

The celebration continued as the gods descended to join the people. Together, they feasted and danced, their joy lighting up the night. Fires burned brightly, casting a warm glow over the festivities. Music filled the air, and the sound of laughter echoed through the valleys.

Ninurta stood among them, a symbol of hope and strength. His journey had been long and arduous, but it had brought him to this moment of triumph. He looked around at the faces of those he had saved, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment.

Establishing Prosperity

With the battles behind him and the land healed, Ninurta turned his focus to the future. The fields were green, but he wanted to ensure they stayed that way. He wanted to bring lasting prosperity to the people who had suffered so much.

Ninurta walked through the fertile fields, his heart filled with determination. He spoke to the farmers, sharing his wisdom. “Plant your seeds with hope,” he told them. “The harvest will be bountiful, and the land will provide.”

To make sure the grain was stored safely, Ninurta called upon Nisaba (Nunbarshegunu), the goddess of grain and writing. She was wise and careful, the perfect guardian for the people’s food. “Nisaba,” Ninurta said, “I trust you to oversee the grain storage. Ensure that our harvest is protected and that none go hungry.”

Nisaba accepted the task with grace. She organized the granaries, making sure they were filled to the brim. She wrote records, tracking every sack of grain. Under her watchful eye, the harvest was safe and plentiful.

The people could see the change. The fear of famine faded, replaced by the promise of abundance. They worked the fields with renewed energy, knowing their efforts would not be in vain. The land, once cursed by drought, now thrived under Ninurta’s blessing.

Ninurta watched with pride. He saw the smiles on the faces of the people, the children playing in the fields. The land was alive with happiness and hope. The world, once dark and fearful, now basked in the light of prosperity.

The gods, too, rejoiced. They saw the balance restored, the harmony brought back to the earth. They praised Ninurta for his wisdom and strength, knowing he had secured a future for all.


Faculty of Oriental Studies, Ninurta’s exploits: a šir-sud to Ninurta (The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature, 2003)
Matt Clayton, Sumerian Mythology: Captivating Myths Of Gods, Goddesses, And Legendary Creatures of Ancient Sumer and Their Importance To The Sumerians (Captivating History, 2019) Page 21
Multiple Authors, Asag (Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia, 25 December 2023)

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