
Summary page for Diy, the Slavic god of sky, agriculture, and cosmic order.

Deity Overview

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Slavic Pantheon

Deity Of:

Sky, Death, Agriculture, Cosmic Order


Sky – God of celestial light and starry sky

Death – Deity of fear and death

Other Names (a.k.a.):

Russian: Div (Див )

Slavs: Div, Diy

Ukrainian: Div (Див), Diy (Дий)

Other Pantheons:

Baltic = Dievas

The name Diy connects to other ancient cultures and deities like Deva (Sanskrit and Persian), Deus (Latin), and Zeus (Greek).

Known For

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Celestial Light and Sky: Diy was known as the god of celestial light and the starry sky.

Fear and Death: He was a deity of fear and death.

Supreme Deity: He once united the sky, earth, and underworld.

Specific Roles and Functions: Storms and Thunder: His roar signified thunder and storms, considered a bad omen.

Heavenly Residence: He lived in a palace in the sky, behind a stone, silver, gold, or amber mountain.

Agriculture and Cosmic Order: Diy protected and increased the harvest, governed people’s fates, and maintained cosmic order. He monitored the movement of the sun and moon.

Dragon, Snake, or Giant: Researchers sometimes viewed Diy as a dragon, snake, giant, or monster.

Ominous Bird: Some researchers saw Diy as an ominous bird or owl.

Parentage & Lineage

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Rod : god of Primordial Chaos, Creation, Light, Agriculture, Heaven, Fertility


Belobog: god of Goodness, Light, Fertility, Justice, Good Fortune, Beekeeping

Chernobog : god of Evil, Darkness

Chislobog: god of Moon, Calendars, Astrology, Astronomy, Numbers, Time

Khors  : god of Sun, Health, Hunting

Svarog : god of Sky, Fire, Blacksmiths

Veles : god of Underworld, Cattle, Magic, Abundance, Knowledge, Travelers, Traders, Fertility, Agriculture

Zemlya  : goddess of Earth


Zemlya  : goddess of Earth


None Known

Iconography & Artistic Depictions

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Celestial Light and Sky: People knew Diy as the god of celestial light and the starry sky.

Fearsome Bird Form: He also appeared as a sinister force in the form of a bird, owl. This bird lived in the forest treetops and descended at night to frighten with its terrifying appearance and cries. Diy sat on the top of a tree with a thunderous voice. He unified the sky, earth, and underworld. This position on the tree symbolized his role as a cosmic axis.

Regal and Martial Appearance: Artists depicted Diy as very beautiful, wearing a silver mantle. He always carried a sword on his belt. Horses were always by his side.

Celestial Light: Celestial light and the sky were key symbols.

Dragon, Snake, or Giant: Researchers sometimes viewed Diy as a dragon, snake, giant, or monster.

Deity Attributes

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Sword: Diy was often depicted with a sword on his belt. This symbolized his martial and authoritative nature.

Sacred Animals:

Horses: Horses were considered sacred and always accompanied Diy. They emphasized his regal and powerful presence.

Owl: Diy was believed to appear in the form of a bird. Some believed this bird looked like an owl.


Celestial Light: Diy was associated with celestial light and the starry sky. He represented the light and the heavens.

Storms: Diy’s roar symbolized thunder and storms. This highlighted his power over weather phenomena.

Regal and Martial Attributes: He wore a silver mantle and carried a sword. These symbols reflected his regal and martial nature.

Cosmic Unity: Diy united the sky, earth, and underworld. His position on a tree symbolized the cosmic axis connecting different worlds.

Celestial Associations:

He was linked to celestial light and the starry sky.

This suggested a connection to the heavens and possibly to stars or constellations.


Sky, Earth, and Underworld: Diy was a supreme deity who unified the sky (Prav), earth (Yav), and underworld (Nav). He held influence over these diverse and significant cosmic domains.

Celestial Domain: Diy was a deity of the sky and celestial light. He resided in the upper, celestial realm.

Worship Practices

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Worship Places:

Diy was mentioned in various historical texts and secret writings, but specific temples or worship places were not detailed.

Rituals & Divinations:

General Worship and Sacrifices: Rituals existed but specific details were not provided.

Ritual Context: Diy, as a supreme deity, was part of various ritualistic practices. However, specific rituals performed in his honor were not detailed.


Specific festivals, days, months, or seasons dedicated to Diy are not detailed.

Mythology Themes & Mentions

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Ancient Russian Monument: Diy was mentioned in the ancient Russian monument “The Journey of the Virgin through the Torments.”

Novgorod Secret Writings: Diy appeared in Novgorod secret writings.

Pagan Worship Lists: He was listed in “The Word on How the Pagans Worshipped Idols” (“Dyevo Worship”).

Supreme Deity: Diy, sitting on a tree with a thunderous voice, was once a supreme deity uniting the sky, earth, and underworld.

Storms and Omens: Diy’s roar signified thunder and storms, considered a bad omen.

Christian Teachings: Diy was often equated with or replaced by devilish entities in Christian texts.

Explore Additional Details

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  • A. Kononenko, L.P. Virovetz, Encyclopedia of Slavic Culture, Writings and Mythology (Russian Version) Энциклопедия славянской культуры, письменности и мифологии (Folio, Kharkiv, 2013) Дый, Pages 219-220
  • Alexandra Barkova, What gods were worshiped before christinization? (Russian) В КАКИХ БОГОВ ВЕРИЛИ ДО КРЕЩЕНИЯ РУСИ? («Культура.РФ», 2013)
  • Editors of Spadok.Org.UA, Pantheon of Slavic Gods (Ukraine) Пантеон язичницьких богів слов’ян (Spadok (Ukrainian), August 17, 2020)
  • Mayevska Svitlana Vasilivna, Pantheon of Slavic Gods (Ukrainian) Презентація ПАНТЕОН СЛОВ’ЯНСЬКИХ БОГІВ – ТО НАШЕ НЕБО. (Na Urok (Ukrainian) «НА УРОК», April 01)
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