Summary page for Perunich, the Slavic god of strength and fertility.

Deity Overview
Deity Of:
Strength, Fertility
Protector god safeguarded his people and their prosperity.
Warrior deity symbolized power and resilience.
Harvest deity was connected to fertility and abundance.
Other Names (a.k.a.):
Slav: Perunich
Russian: Perunich (Перунич)
Known For
Symbolized fertility and strength for the Baltic Slavs.
Embodied vitality and the continuation of life through fertility.
Represented prosperity and abundance in mythology.
Revered as a powerful figure in the Baltic Slavic pantheon.
Honored alongside deities like Rujevit and Porevit.
None Known
None Known
No historical depictions or specific iconography have been found for Perunich. Other than being the son of Perun, very little was written about him.
He was known as the god of strength and fertility, so he was likely depicted as a muscular figure symbolizing vitality and strength.
His connection to fertility and being a harvest deity would have given him the symbols of a bundle of wheat, fruit, or a cornucopia.
Possibly shown near a sturdy oak tree, sacred to Perun in Slavic mythology.
No specific weapons were directly linked to Perunich.
His father, Perun, wielded a battle axe, suggesting a symbolic connection.
Sacred Animals:
No sacred animals, birds, or creatures were found to be associated with Perunich.
Represented strength and fertility for the Baltic Slavs.
Symbolized prosperity, vitality, and the continuation of life.
Celestial Associations:
None Known
None Known
Worship Places:
Worshiped by the Baltic Slavs alongside Rujevit and Porevit.
Rituals & Divinations:
No recorded rituals performed in Perunich’s honor were found in the research.
Mythology Themes Related to Perunich
Represented fertility and strength in Slavic mythology.
Mentioned alongside Rujevit and Porevit as important Baltic Slavic deities.
- Yaromir Slushni, All Slavic Myths and Legends (Russian) Все славянские мифы и легенды (ACT, Moscow, 2021) Page 5
- Editors of, Главные Славянские Боги (, September 11, 2021)