Summary page for Slava, the Slavic goddess of victory and good fortune.

Deity Overview
Deity Of:
Victory, Good Fortune
Warrior goddess: Slava embodied strength, victory, and the protective force guiding Slavic tribes in battle.
Sun goddess: She embodied the life giving energy, symbolizing the sun’s vital connection to growth and prosperity.
Other Names (a.k.a.):
Russian: Slava (Слава)
Slav: Slava
Known For
Revered as the ancient Slavic goddess of victory and luck.
Believed to be the ancestor of the Slavic people.
Gave her name to Slavic tribes and their lands.
Honored through fire rituals and spring sun celebrations.
Associated with the Great Goddess cult among agricultural Slavic tribes.
Celebrated during the sun’s shift toward summer.
None Known
None Known
None Known
None Known
Depicted as a woman in long, wide robes.
Shown with arms raised toward the sky or sun.
Often surrounded by solar symbols around her head.
Portrayed on shields and cloak clasps in ancient art.
Horses and birds, especially roosters, appeared beside her, symbolizing the sun cult.
No known weapons were associated with Slava.
Sacred Animals:
Horses were sacred, symbolizing her connection to the sun.
Roosters were also sacred, linked to her solar cult imagery.
Solar symbols, especially around her head, represented her power.
Horses and roosters were symbolic creatures tied to the sun and Slava.
Her raised arms toward the sky symbolized her bond with the sun.
Celestial Associations:
Strongly linked to the sun, symbolized by solar signs around her head.
Horses and roosters, tied to the sun cult, were often depicted beside her.
Her raised arms symbolized her connection to the sky and the sun.
No specific realms were associated with Slava in the myths.
Worship Places:
Worshiped by the Serbs before their displacement to the Balkans.
Celebrations in her honor were tied to the spring sun and fire.
Rituals & Divinations:
Fire veneration and spring sun glorification rituals took place in spring.
The ritual “proslavlenie” or “slavlenie” involved glorifying Slava in pagan worship.
A festival dedicated to Slava was celebrated on April 23.
This festival marked the sun’s turn to summer, involving fire veneration and sun worship.
Among Serbs, Slava’s festival existed when each family had its own god.
April 23 is now associated with Saint George’s Day, blending old traditions with Christian practices.
Linked to the creation of the Slavic people and their lands.
Represented victory, luck, and the origins of Slavic tribes.
The Dnieper River was deified and called Slava’s son, named Slavuta or Slavutich.
Slava gave her name to the lands and tribes of the Slavs.
- A. Kononenko, L.P. Virovetz, Encyclopedia of Slavic Culture, Writings and Mythology (Russian Version) Энциклопедия славянской культуры, письменности и мифологии (Folio, Kharkiv, 2013) Pages 264-265