Welcome to the Slavic Deities Index page. Here, you’ll find a meticulously curated list of Slavic deities.

As you journey through the alphabet, let the stories of these powerful beings inspire your imagination and deepen your connection to the myths that shaped the ancient Slavic culture.
Alphabetical List of Slavic Gods and Goddesses
Azovushka: goddess of the Azov Sea
Baba: goddess of Peace, Tranquility
Bagan: god of Large Cattle
Bareddoyats: god of Ships
Bereginya: goddess of Protection
Bonto: goddess of Sky
Belobog: god of Goodness, Light, Fertility, Justice, Good Fortune, Beekeeping
Chernobog: god of Evil, Darkness
Chislobog: god of the Moon, Calendars, Astrology, Astronomy, Numbers, Time
Chur: god of Boundaries, Protection
Dazhbog: god of Sun, Light, Fertility, Abundance
Didiliya: goddess of Fertility, Childbirth, Vegetation, Moon
Diy: god of Sky, Death, Agriculture, Cosmic Order
Diyd: god of Married Life, Harmony
Dogoda: god of Air, West Wind
Dolya: goddess of Fate, Good Fortune, Happiness
Dzewana: goddess of Forests, Hunting
Gonila: god of Sheep, Shepherds
Ipabog: god of Hunting
Jessis: god of Sky
Juma: god of Sky
Karna: goddess of Mourning, Sorrow
Khors: god of Sun, Health, Hunting
Kolyada: god of Peace, Prosperity, Winter Sun
Kostroma: goddess of Spring, Fertility, Love
Kremara: god of Pigs
Kresnik: god of Agriculture, Cattle
Krivda: goddess of Deceit, Falsehood
Krodo: god of Sacrificial Altars, Underworld, Sun, and Renewal
Kupala: god of Summer, Fertility, Abundance
Kupalnitsa: goddess of lakes, rivers
Lada: goddess of Marriage, Love, Fertility, Beauty, Spring, Harmony
Lad: god of Marriage, Celebrations, Joy and Merrymaking, Summer, Household Protection
Led: god of War, Victory, Bravery
Lel: god of Beauty, Love, Spring
Magura: goddess of Battles, Warriors
Marzanna: goddess of Fruit
Maya: goddess of Spring, Flowers
Mikula: god of farmers
Modeina: goddess of Woods
Mogosh: god of Small Cattle
Mokosh: goddess of Fate, Weaving, Fertility, Harvests, Earth
Morana: goddess of Nightmares, Disease, Death
Morskoi Tsar: god of Sea and Storms
Myesyats: god of the Moon
Nedolya: goddess of Fate, Misfortune
Nyja: god of Nightmares, Ruler and Judge of the Underworld
Onto: god of Sky
Oynyena Maria: goddess of Fire
Patrimpas: god of River
Pererug: god of Quarrels and Discord
Perperuna: goddess of Rain
Perun: god of Thunder, Lightning, Rain, Warriors
Perunich: god of Thunder, Lighting
Polel: god of Marriage, Love
Polevik: god of Fields
Poloznitza: goddess of Fields
Pozvizd: god of Wind, Storm
Pravda: goddess of Truth
Priparchis: god of Pigs
Pripekala: god of Spring, Fertility, Sun
Priya: goddess of Spring, Fertility, Love, Marriage
Provie: god of Justice, Prophecy, Fate
Radegast: god of Sun, Sun Light, Warmth, Fire, Harvest, Abundance, Lightning
Rarog: god of Fire, Hearth
Rod: god of Primordial Chaos, Creation, Light, Agriculture, Heaven, Fertility
Rodomisl: god of Wisdom, Law
Semargl: god of Vegetation, Agriculture, Fire, Moon, Hearth
Silniy Bog: god of Physical Strength
Sir-syv-kudegen: god of fertiliy
Slava: goddess of Victory, Fortune
Stribog: god of Wind, Air, Storms
Suratan-tura: god of Women and Childbirth
Sva: goddess of Fall, Orchards, Harvest
Svarog: god of Sky, Fire, Blacksmiths
Svarozhich: god of Fire, Sun
Svetovid: god of War, Agriculture, Sun and Heavenly Fire, Wisdom
Svyatobor: god of Forests, Wild Animals
Trigla: goddess of Earth, Air, Water, Heavens, Underworld, Time (Past, Present, Future)
Triglav: god of War, Disease, Heaven, Earth, Underworld
Ud: god of Fertility, Love
Varpulis: god of Wind and Storm
Vetru: god of Wind
Vii: god of Lightning
Vikhor: god of Whirlwind
Veles: god of Underworld, Cattle, Magic, Abundance, Knowledge, Travelers, Traders, Fertility, Agriculture
Yara: goddess of Earth, Spring
Yarilo: god of Sun, Spring, Fertility
Zemennik: god of Harvest, Health, Prosperity
Zemlya: goddess of Earth
Zhelya: goddess of Mourning
Zimerzla: goddess of Winter
Zimsterla: goddess of Spring, Flowers, Dawn
Ziva: goddess of Life, Fertility
Zivot: god of Life, Spring, Natural Prosperity
Znich: god of Warmth, Primordial Fire
Zorya Utrennyaya: goddess of Dawn
Zorya Vechernyaya: goddess of Evening, Twighlight
Zosim: god of Bees, Mead, Beer
The information presented on this page has been carefully gathered from the following trusted sources.
- A. N. Nikolayeva, Slavic Myths (Russian) Славянские мифы Мифы мира. Самые сказочные истории человечества (Bombora Izdatelstvo, 2023)
- G. Glinka, V. Zhukovskiy, A. Gilferding, Slavyanskaya Mifologia (Beliy Gorod, 2020)
- Dr. Alice Mills, Janet Parker, Julie Stanton, Mythology Myths, Legends, & Fantasies (Wellfleet Press, 2004)
- Jan Hanuš Máchal, George Foot Moore, Louis Herbert Gray, Slavic Mythology: Folklore & Legends of the Slavs (e-artnow, Originally published 1922, Date Published 2020)
- A. Kononenko, L.P. Virovetz, Encyclopedia of Slavic Culture, Writings and Mythology (Russian Version) Энциклопедия славянской культуры, письменности и мифологии (Folio, Kharkiv, 2013)
- Aleksand Afanasyev, Slavyanskaya Mifologia (Russian) Слово и миф: славянская мифология (Eksmo, Midgard, 2008)
- Yaromir Slushni, All Slavic Myths and Legends (Russian) Все славянские мифы и легенды (ACT, Moscow, 2021)
- («Культура.РФ», ) https://www.culture.ru/
- (“Об`єднання рідновірів України“, ) https://www.oru.org.ua/
- (Naslediye Sluchkogo Kraya (Russian) “Наследие слуцкого края”, ) https://nasledie-sluck.by/
- (Visit Ukraine Today ) https://visitukraine.today/uk/
- (Spadok (Ukrainian) ) https://spadok.org.ua/
- (Na Urok (Ukrainian) «НА УРОК», ) https://naurok.com.ua/
- (Drevenrusskiy Slovar (Russian) “Древнерусский словарик”, ) https://drevnerus.ru/
- (Dzen.ru ) https://dzen.ru/